Blogher Pre-Party

Last night's Chicago Moms blog party was awesome. Not only is it great to meet people I meet online, but I got a lot of compliments. And honestly, mujeres, it was what I really needed.

One of you said that I make you feel like you write fluff because I go off on political rants and you write about the fun things you do with your kids. Let me say that we need the fluff. The fluff is what I want us to be able to do more of. Flextime, paid leave, real work/life balance is all about being able to do the fluff more.

The other Vero & I connected with more than our names. I usually find it quite odd to be in the same room with another Vero, but I felt uber-comfy with you, thanks.

And gotta give it up to Yahoo! for sponsoring the party and MASSIVE martinis. Goodness, I wish I didn't have to drive last night. Photos to be posted later.


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