Friday - Breakout #4 (part two)

Now I'm in the session called "Getting it On(line) for a Cause: Part 2 - Raising Consciousness"

Women care about community and understand what's going on with other people. There is synergy to be used.

Global Health what do we mean by this?
  • safe motherhood
  • UNFPA and the Bush administration refusal to fund it
  • make it clear that when we talk about global health we're talking about women. changing the public debate to include women as members of the world (that one came from Jennifer Pozner of WIMN)
  • need to keep in mind separation of church & state as our politics here in the USA affects the politics of other countries that take their cue from the USA
  • we have to depoliticize this debate ( is safe motherhood political?!?)
  • increasing education for girls (if you get girls to 2nd grade, her families health increases 40%. People, that's only to second grade!!)
  • 34 Million Friends
  • A "both...and" strategy
  • focus on empowering women to take care of their children
  • education for midwives who can then train other women in villages to spread the knowledge to ultimately help safe children, including microloans
  • let's try not to frame this as we are helping "the developing world"
  • when we talk about global health, we have to remember that the USA is a part of the world
We need to start commenting in the open thread about what actions should be taken, do we all do the same thing, do we niche the actions (foodies, media, etc.)?

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