Birth Control Ninja

The audience was 90-95% women, but letmetellya, it was not a man bashing show at all. In fact, I'd say that it was pretty harsh on us gals, so guys, feel free to join your partner at this show. BUT, women, this show was pretty funny and well, the title says "girls night out" and I do believe in following directions.
My favorite skits included a marriage therapy session where the wife tells a story, the husband recounts it, and well all know he isn't really "listening" to her. It goes on and on until a fairly good punch line. But honestly, the best punch line came 10 seconds after we stopped clapping when a woman in front of me asked, "Are we really like that?" Um, yes.
Claudia Michelle Wallace sings an outstanding love song to Barak Obama. Sorry, I didn't take notes, but I remember that I didn't stop laughing.
There was also the skit where the one man in the show talks to his fellow white hetero males aka Republicans (that's what he said, not me!) about voting for Hillary. Yes, Hillary. Why? Because if she wins, us chicks can stop whining about discrimination. Kinda like when people say the country is color-blind because Condi Rice is so powerful. Um, yeah...
The worst skit had to be the pseudo-lesbian aka really drunk hetero BFFs deciding to have sex. It winds its way to a breast cancer scare! Sorry to spoil it, but come on, breast cancer? So wrong on many levels, including having the audience sit far too long in silence before a really bad punchline.
Overall it was a good show and worth the drive out and back. I guess if the suburbanites can drive to North & Wells, I can drive to AH. And you'll have to see the show to figure out the title of this post. Or buy me a martini.
GNO runs August 2 - September 1, 2007 and tickets are $25. Shows are on Thursdays 7:30 p.m., Fridays 8 p.m., Saturdays 7 p.m. Grab your tickets here.
Technorati tags: Second City, Improv, Arlington Heights, Girls Night Out, comedy, feminism