I'm running away to Wisconsin

That's right, I got accepted to the Wisconsin Go Run training at the end of the month!

What's Go Run you ask?
Go Run is a two day training dedicated to demystify the political process and inspire a richly diverse group of women to join the leadership pipeline. Go Run provides the nuts and bolts of running for political office by focusing on areas like communications, fundraising, and campaigning - skills you can use in your work and in your community today and up to the day you decide to run!
No, no...I'm not announcing my candidacy today, but who knows. After this training I just might. I'm also attending because I do want to work on more campaigns in the future, mine, someone I support, or my daughter's. There is just so much that I still need to learn about the campaign process before I even consider running.

I'm also pretty jazzed that my boss was also accepted and we're riding up together. It should be fun to hang out with her off work time and get to know each other on a different level. Not that being feminist candidates is that far off from being feminist educators.

The final cost of the training for me is $200. While that's not a lot, I am reminded that even $200 is a stretch for me and for some women who might be far better candidates than me, $200 is a closed door. So be warned...if this training is all that I hope it to be, I'll be pushing you all to support the White House Project with your birthday money.

As for me, I won't put up that PayPal button...yet. But I have another trip on the horizon that I'm starting to do some asking for in other arenas. If that falls through, the PayPal button will go up. Hey, I gotta start asking for money, right?

Technorati tags: White House Project, campaigns, politics, Go Run, feminism

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