Book Review: Writing Motherhood **GIVEAWAY**

In honor of the Chicago Moms Blog & Co.'s reading of Writing Motherhood: Tapping into Your Creativity as a Mother and a Writer [buy at WCF, Powell's, Amazon], I am giving away a paperback copy of the book. I read the book when it first came out as hardback (and that one's mine!) and I was super happy when author Lisa Garrigues wrote me to ask if I wanted a paperback copy to give-a-way. Um, yes!
So what is Writing Motherhood? It's a writers will give you prompts and lots of tips on how to convert/use your mothering experiences as tools to make yourself a better writer. Garrigues gives you prompts, exercises, and a method to the madness of being a DAILY writer.
I tried a year ago to start a motherhood writing journal and kept it up for um, a few days, and then I lost the momentum. That has no reflection on the book, believe me! It's my inability to form a real habit or pattern. *sigh*
If you're a mama, whether or not you aspire to write that fabu memoir or Great American novel, I recommend this book. Non-mommies might be turned off pretty quickly by all the mommy talk, so maybe next time.
GIVEAWAY: Comment by June 24th & leave an email address. I'll pick one at random.
Links to buy: WCF, Powell's, Amazon
Technorati tags: Writing Motherhood, Lisa Garrigues, book review, motherhood