Free Health Advocacy Training

I'm sitting in a cafe in NYC, it's raining, and my inboxes are overwhelmed...thus another episode of "in lieu of real blogging..."

From: Health and Medicine Policy Research Group

As we approach the time for 2009 Cook County budget We must prepare ourselves to advocate for a strong health system. Join us for this free advocacy training

ADVOCACY TRAINING in support of a Strong Cook County Public Health System

Veterans Day
Tues., Nov. 11, 2008 9 am – 12:30 pm
UIC School of Public Health, Gymnasium
1603 W. Taylor St., Chicago, IL

Enhance your knowledge and skills as a champion for health care in Cook County

Training will include:
• Analysis of the Cook County Bureau of Health (CCBHS) Budget and state of the Bureau’s current services
• Understanding the new Governing Board: role, structure, and future
• Lessons learned from around the country
• Setting priorities for our County Health System
• How to Write Effective Letters to the Editor

This workshop is free, but audience size will be limited.
RSVP by Friday, Nov. 7 by sending an email to or by calling 312 372-4292 ext. 21

About the HMPRG:
For 27 years Health & Medicine has operated as an independent, freestanding, non-profit center driven by a singular mission: formulating health policy, advocacy and health systems to enhance the health of the public.

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