Interview with Tylan of Girlyman

Did you know that Tylan of Girlyman has a solo CD, One True Thing? Well, you probably do because her Kickstarter was a smashing success! I was lucky to chat with Tylan about this and much more.

Viva la Feminista: You were recently in Chicago to play at Space (actually in Evanson). How was the show?

Tylan: The show was amazing. It was honestly one of the best shows on the tour. The place was packed with love and support.

VLF: Who are your musical influences?

Tylan: I like really great songwriters. Paul Simon was the first one I obsessed over. Springsteen, Patty Giffin, Indigo Girls....and a lot of my peers who are not famous, but are playing shows and writing great music.

VLF: So...pick one act who most of us don't know about, but should?

Tylan: Oh, don't make me choose! (long pause...Jeopardy music....). Coyote Grace is a trio, and yea, my partner is in the act. But really, they are so talented. Their songwriting is so good and performances are so exciting.

VLF: Do you have a dream collaborator? Or have you already achieved that?

Tylan: I have gotten to work with a lot of my heroes. But so far never Patty Griffin or Ani. They are two huge influences and I would love to work/tour/collaborate with them in some way.

VLF: When did you write your first song?

Tylan: I was 14-years-old and wrote it for my English class. Our assignment was to write something, anything based on the book "Of Mice Men." I submitted a tape & lyric sheet. When I got it back it had A++++ on it. I already knew that music was important to me, but had never really tried my hand at songwriting. That teacher and her feedback really encouraged me.

VLF: You address the Pandora/Spotify phenomena on your website. Can you say more as to how these sites (which I admit I use) endanger musicians livelihoods?

Tylan:  I don't want to vilify any site. I think they are a bridge to the next way of doing things for musicians. The problem is that they aren't really compensating artists. I use Pandora every day. I like how it helps people discover new artists. It's a really different way than radio. This is an evolving industry. We have no idea what will fill that gap. Is it artists making money through airplay/album sales? How do we sustain this? How much do these music sites have a responsibility to sustain the artists that they build their business on? It's all pretty exciting. Musicians need to demand that we get compensated.

VLF: What was the Kickstarter experience like? Who should never Kickstart a project?

Tylan: It was life changing. It was my first big project on my own, as a solo artist. The response was quick. I had a $20,000 goal - the bear minimum for recording a professional album and within 36 hours I hit the goal. The Kickstarter ended with donations totally more than double! It was a clear mandate to make this album. I learned that what I do, personally, matters. It matters to people enough that they will put their money behind it. Kickstarter is starting to fill the gap. Kickstarter still has an assumption of ethics. You have to go into it asking yourself, "Do I need this money? Will I be able to deliver? Do I need this money for this project?"There is no one big rule, rather a self-administered ethical test. There is a sacred trust and no accounting for how money is spent. trust. quality control. ethical agreement?

VLF: What is your goal with your music?

Tylan:  It's a calling. It is something I've always been called to do. It also makes no sense! It makes more sense to get a 'job,' but I've always been called to create music. It is healing and a way to connect more deeply with the world & other people.

VLF: What is the kindest thing someone have done for you lately?

Tylan: Oh, so many things! It blows my mind. Just yesterday my partner & I were looking for a place to live in the Bay area. As we were looking at houses, my phone's a paypal notification of donation…Just out of the blue. The note attached said, "If you ever had any doubt, if you what you do is worthwhile & have a talent, here is something to remind you." This like this have been happening more so since I took this solo journey; Emails, cards, and physical notes of encouragement. So much love comes to you when you are following your path.

Tylan One True Thing-08-Love Then by Effective Immediately PR

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