2014 Holiday Feminist Gift Guide
It's that time of the year again!
As usual, I'm behind on my full book reviews, but here is a list of books I have read this year that should go on your gift list. Some are linked to their review, others to their publisher or author page. A reminder that if you click the link to buy from either Powells (P) or IndieBound (I), VLF gets a small cut from your purchase:
- This is Not a Test: A New Narrative on Race, Class, and Education by Jose Vilson P | I
- A challenging and honest look at our public education system through Vilson's own education journey and path to becoming a teacher-activist.
- What Works for Women at Work: Four Patterns Working Women Need to Know by Joan C. Williams and Rachel Dempsey P | I
- This is the book you need to read instead of "Lean In." Williams has studied women in the workforce for years. Academic work in everyday speak.
- Rosie Revere, Engineer P | I
- A beautiful book about a girl who has amazing ideas and how she learns that fail is often the first step to success.
- Dear Sister: Letters from Survivors of Sexual Violence edited by Lisa Factora-Borchers P | I
- A painful, but loving collection of essays about sexual violence. A slow read.
- League of Denial: The NFL, Concussions and the Battle for Truth by Mark Fainaru-Wada & Steve Fainaru P | I
- An investigative look into concussions in the NFL and the NFL's attempt to hide the pain and injury that cause.
- Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell P | I
- This was a very uncomfortable tale of a young woman not ready to grow up and stand tall without her twin sister. It was a great read
- It Runs in the Family by Frida Berrigan [not available at Powells or IndieBound]
- Frida is the daughter of acclaimed peace activist Phil Berrigan. This book is part memoir of growing up in the peace movement and her journey as a mother. The biggest challenge in this book is that she is devoted to anti-capitalism and her judgement for those who do not adhere. It is uncomfortable, but in a good way. It will make you examine your choices.
- The Good Mother Myth by Avital Norman Nathman P | I
- The Good Mother Myth: Redefining Motherhood to Fit Reality looks to dismantle the myth of the “good mother” by sharing essays from women whose voices and stories are normally silenced or ignored within the mainstream narrative of motherhood.
- MaddAddam Trilogy by Margaret Atwood P | I
- Personally, I'm still at the early part of the last book, but had to include the whole trilogy on this gift list.
- Who Fears Death? by Nnedi Okorafor P | I
- Another great vision of post-apocalyptic Earth, this tale occurs in Africa. A young woman with anger and power fights for her life. Okorafor writes in the tradition of Octavia Butler and Ursula K. LeGuin by interrogating gender roles and speculating on where humankind may lead.
- Redefining Girly How Parents Can Fight the Stereotyping and Sexualizing of Girlhood, from Birth to Tween by Melissa Atkins Wardy P | I
- One of my favorite parenting books..and not just because Melissa asked me to write a letter to the reader either. Ella is 11 and I have lost count of how many times I've been asked for advice on raising a strong and confident daughter. Not all my secrets are in Melissa's book, but until I get moving on my own parenting book, this will more than do.
Catan Junior: Ella & I got a full game in at ChiTAG in about 30 minutes. Catan Junior is smaller and that makes the game go quicker. I know this is great for smaller kids who may lose interest in a longer game of Catan.
Sew Cool: This is definitely for the very junior DIY kids. I have no idea how it sews the felt-like material together, but I think it would be great for kids who are too young to have on a real sewing machine, but want to sew. You can see me in the collage above sewing a hamster pillow together. There was a line of kids who wanted to make their own pillows.
Family Challenge: This one was Ella's favorite. It has four types of questions, which include physical challenges, where it pits the kids versus the parents. We did note that in our home, that would pit Ella against two parents. But isn't that why we have only one? May the odds be our favor.
Make 'n' Break: If you are looking for a good game to help your kids with spatial skills, this is a great one for the younger set. You get cards with a design to build, a timer and blocks to build the design. Perhaps with competition will help make this game a family game, but Ella & I did think it was pretty easy. Then again, we didn't compete with the timer.
And some other ideas that fall under miscellaneous awesome gifts:
Bitch Magazine - Also check out the BitchMart full of feministy gifts
HipMama Magazine
Donate to their favorite charity!
What other things are on your wish list?