GIVEAWAY & Review: Coloring Flower Mandalas by Wendy Piersall

I've been coloring various pages from Coloring Flower Mandalas: 30 Hand-drawn Designs for Mindful Relaxation by Wendy Piersall for a solid month now. And I gotta say, I don't think I've ever been so popular! Everyone wants to chime in on the grown-up coloring book trend. "Oh, I read about that!" "WOW! That's a great pattern." "What do you use?"

To answer that last question, I've bought myself a fresh pack of color pencils. And I carry them practically everywhere I go. And here's what I've discovered...

Instead of peeking at my phone while my mind thinks it needs something to do, I pull out my coloring. I have no idea how to explain the difference in my mind, but it is ore relaxing to kick back with a coloring pencil and a mandala.

I have a few Xena coloring books (I horded in the 90s) and a Wonder Woman one. Because these are rare beings, I only color in them when necessary. I love the feeling of coloring. I always have. Now with the rise of grown up coloring books, the possibilities are endless!

The best part of Coloring Flower Mandalas is that I'm discovering what colors I like to put together. When I bought my color pencils, I got a 24 pack. Now I wish I had a ton more to do more gradients. I guess I could learn to do that with pressure, eh? Anywho, this non-artsy gal is loving feeling like she knows what she's doing with color on these pages. And yes, the images you see above are all from me. Yeah, this is like my fridge display.

Coloring Flower Mandalas comes out in August, but you can pre-order it or buy on eReader. My copy is electronic and I love being able to print out a page or two, stash it in my padfolio and have it handy when I need it throughout my work day. It's a great brain refresher. That's my tip for you!

You can purchase your copy through Powells or IndieBound to support VLF.

I have three copes of Coloring Flower Mandalas to give away! Here is how you can enter:

1. Leave a comment with your favorite coloring tool (crayon, chalk, marker, etc) and your email. Without your email I can't tell you if you won!
2. Tag me on Instagram or Twitter with a pic of something you drew, colored, or doodled.
3. Post a pic a pic of something you drew, colored, or doodled on VLF's facebook page.
4. Additional entries if you are following me on Instagram, Twitter or like VLF's facebook page.

Sadly, this giveaway is limited to those with US or Canadian mailing addresses.

All entries need to be in by June 18th.

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