NaBloPoMo 2015 Day 1
As you know I was considering joining in on NaNoWriMo, alas I didn't have time to really map out a novel and just as I was about to toss in the towel, Blogher reminded me of NaBloPoMo! Instead of working towards writing a novel, I shall reacquaint myself with my love of blogging.
Since it is November 1st, it is also the first day of the Pagan year. An appropriate day for me to restart this blog as more than just reviews and my experiment with sponsored posts. Although I do hope to fill this month by finally posting some of the reviews I've been meaning to write the past few months.
It is also Dia de los Muertos and I've been spending my free time today looking for my grandparents on So far I've only been able to find my maternal grandmother, her parents and siblings. I don't know if I needed to sign up for the free 14-day trial in order to get some better hits. I'd love to hear from others who have used Ancestry to find more about their families, especially if you come from a more rural family. I feel as if I can't find much on my dad's side because he grew up in the mountains of Durango. My mom's family has been in the San Antonio area since at least the early 1900s. I had been told it was longer than that, but it looks like my maternal great grandparents were both born in Mexico according to US Census records. At the moment this small dig was enough. Enough to make me curious for more, but also enough to know just a bit more that I am ok...for now.
So here's to a new year and a renewed commitment to writing. Let's see how this turns out.
Since it is November 1st, it is also the first day of the Pagan year. An appropriate day for me to restart this blog as more than just reviews and my experiment with sponsored posts. Although I do hope to fill this month by finally posting some of the reviews I've been meaning to write the past few months.
It is also Dia de los Muertos and I've been spending my free time today looking for my grandparents on So far I've only been able to find my maternal grandmother, her parents and siblings. I don't know if I needed to sign up for the free 14-day trial in order to get some better hits. I'd love to hear from others who have used Ancestry to find more about their families, especially if you come from a more rural family. I feel as if I can't find much on my dad's side because he grew up in the mountains of Durango. My mom's family has been in the San Antonio area since at least the early 1900s. I had been told it was longer than that, but it looks like my maternal great grandparents were both born in Mexico according to US Census records. At the moment this small dig was enough. Enough to make me curious for more, but also enough to know just a bit more that I am ok...for now.
So here's to a new year and a renewed commitment to writing. Let's see how this turns out.